Four gigs, three days, too tired, one oyster
The weekend started for me on Thursday this week. Three Button Deluxe was booked to play a gig in Boston. I still had (still have, actually) some vacation time to use up, so I decided to take Thursday and Friday off from the office. Paddy and I tooled down to Boston, and had a relatively easy trip. On the way down, there was one slight lane issue (I was trying to get into the same lane that someone else also wanted), and on the way out of town, I missed my on-ramp, which forced me to double back a block or three. The gig went well, no major issues, and I took some time to eat a raw oyster. I was home at 2:30am Friday–which in reality isn’t that late.
The boys were spending the weekend at Grandma’s and Granddaddy’s, so that meant–luxury of luxuries–I could sleep late! I slept until 9am, something I haven’t done since I don’t know when. It was nice! I ran a few errands for Susan, and took a little nap in the afternoon. Then, I drove to Bar Harbor for a gig at The Blues Authority. Again, I was home about 2:30am.
Saturday morning was an 8am wake up–a little more my norm. The boys were still away, so Susan, Julia, and I went to The Brass Compass for breakfast. My bacon/mushroom/swiss omellette was pretty good, and Susan’s “Granny Apple” pancakes looked really yummy. Then I think I just hung out at home until I needed to leave to play the matinee of Annie Get Your Gun at Medomak High School. That lasted ’til about 4:30pm. A bunch of us from the pit (all rhythm section players and the music director) went to Waldoboro to have supper. And then it was back to school for the 7:30pm show.I was home by 11, in bed by midnight.
Sunday, and everything was back to normal. The boys were back home, and ready to go with the sun. Church in the AM, then lunch at Mom’s. I took a one hour nap Sunday afternoon, then got up and washed some dishes before heading back to church. After church, it was straight home. Susan was very tired, and wanted to go straight to bed. I nuked some Spaghetti-Os for supper, and watched a documentary on Noah’s Ark. Then I went to bed, and the weekend came to its conclusion.