Friday Fill-In #107

1. Enough with the freakin’ cold!

2. Talk radio causes me to be conflicted. (How much can I worry about the economy?)

3. I’ve been craving something lemon-y.

4. My children makes me laugh.

5. I wish I could go to Puerto Rico next week.

6. Some people I know with cancer has have been on my mind lately.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to packing gear into the club at negative temperatures, tomorrow my plans include billing day and a gig in Bangor, and Sunday, I want to book that trip to Puerto Rico!


  1. I don’t listen to talk radio for a reason, otherwise I’d have a basement full of Preparations for the inevitable.
    I make sure to buy yummy chewable Vitamin C for this time of year, I’ve noticed a lot of ppl are craving that vitamin in their Fill-Ins this week.
    Have a great weekend :o)

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