We were going to have hot turkey sandwiches for supper tonight. Susan was even going to make some homemade herb bread for the sandwiches. Well, she forgot about the bread, so she threw the ingredients into the bread machine for a “rapid rise” white loaf. When that was done, it turned out the turkey wasn’t thawed! So we had hot, homemade bread for supper! We broke out the jam, butter, and peanut butter, as well as some sugar and cinnamon. Add to that a couple o’ hunks of cheddar cheese, and you had a quick, simple supper we all loved!
I love hot turkey sandwiches too but I must admit my mouth is watering just thinking about that homemade bread and PB&J… Yummy!
We’ve got some raspberry jam that is great on homemade toast too, with or without peanut butter. The three of us picked the berries, Emma spared some of them, and Allison made them into jam.
I love hot homemade bread and butter! It may be poor man’s supper but it’s one of my favorite things to eat.