I mentioned a few posts ago about how much I love my new Harmony 880 remote. And I still really like it. But Susan mentioned something, almost off hand, tonight: She could never make the #9 work. So I tried it. She was right–no #9. I tried it on the TV, the radio, and the TIVO. No #9. So I reprogrammed the remote. I made the #8 send the code for #9, and I made the #9 button send the #8 command. And, #8 made #9, and #9 didn’t do anything. So I knew it was the button itself, and not the commands the remote was sending. The remote came with 60 days of phone support, so I got them on the horn. Well, after about 20 minutes on hold. The tech listened to what I tried, and agreed there was a problem with the hardware. He had me upgrade the firmware. No luck. Then he said “Push the button real hard.” I did. It worked. Still, that’s not how it should work, so he said he’d refer me to warranty service. He said I should hear from them in three to five business days. Let’s see what happens.
Woh, that just went way over my head!
I hope you hear back from warranty services in a timely fashion.