My pastor called me out this morning for not updating in four days. Honestly, I did my reading for my spiritual transformation class, and didn’t really feel moved to post anything about it. Yesterday morning, since my spiritual transformation class reading was all done, I was working on my doctrine reading. I knew that I had come to a spot in the book that started a new section, and I picked up reading there. It was about 3/4 the way through chapter on the importance of Bible reading when I thought to myself “this doesn’t really feel like a book that Dr. Sherman would prescribe for his class. We don’t really talk that much about Bible reading plans in our doctrine class.” It was then that I looked at the front cover of the book, and realized I was reading the wrong thing. Not only is it a book for my spiritual transformation class, but I was reading a chapter that wasn’t even on the reading plan for this week. And, I had developed schedule for reading this week so I could make sure to fit it all in before class on Thursday. Oh well, that schedule is all shot now that I spent the morning in the wrong text!
I wasn’t calling you out as much as I was expressing displeasure that I had to wait so long to read your next blog. Glad you’re back!