Friday Fill In #113

1. I’m crazy, I’m kooky, I don’t know where to run.

2. Why do I have three kids and not any more? (‘Cause three is plenty, that’s why!)

3. How does this whole government plan of us spending money we don’t have to bail us out from spending money we didn’t have work, anyway?

4. Every morning, I put deodorant on my underpits.

5. I consider myself lucky because one time I hit the lottery playing the number 013 on June 6th of 2006, all while standing under a ladder, looking at myself in a broken mirror (while saying “Bloody Mary” three times) while a black cat crossed my path.

6. One day we’ll see our Maker face to face–whether we want to or not.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to playing funk with Groove Machine, tomorrow my plans include playing rock and blues with Blind Albert and Sunday, I want to play feel good island music with Steelin’ Thunder!


  1. #3 How does this whole government plan of us spending money we don’t have to bail us out from spending money we didn’t have work, anyway?

    Will soon be stolen as my FB satus/quote for uts utter awesomeness – I couldn’t have stated it better myself (So I wont)

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