Friday Fill In #95

1. Right now, I’m feeling hungry.
2. Back in bed is where I want to be.
3. How does one change the variator weights in a 2007 Honda Metropolitan scooter to get better acceleration?
4. The calendar in my i-Pod Touch keeps me on track.
5. Please don’t worry about people stepping on your grass.
6. My family  fills me with joy.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to getting home from my gig, tomorrow my plans include something fun in the afternoon (I hope) and Sunday, I want to make it through!


  1. uncle Rog.

    answer to #3
    remove left side cover, remove drive face, replace roller set weight.
    rember what you gain in low end you are going to give up in top end speed.

  2. #5 reminds me of my neighbor’s obsession with his lawn and his constant complaints about the leaves from my maple blowing into his yard… I have blisters on my blisters from raking.

    I hope you get to do that “something fun” this weekend. Happy Friday 🙂

  3. Just ate a catfish fillet.
    Back in bed is where I want to be. (agreed)
    The calendar in my i-Pod Touch keeps me on track. – I love my cell phone calendar!
    My family fills me with joy. 100% agreement on this too.
    Have a great weekend.

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