1. Life is moving along pretty fast right now; after all, it is summertime in Maine.
2. I’ve got a couple of cars, both over 10 years old, both with 150,000 miles, and both with lots of creeks, squeaks, and rattles. I’m not sure how long they’re going to keep going.
3. My last text message (or IM) ended in these three words: Umm, I have no idea. I don’t use IM much, and I’ve never sent a text message in my life. Honest. I’ve only received (excepting spam text to but more Tracfone minutes) less then 10, and those have all been from Pastor Dave or my friend Mike.
4. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and roasted broccoli with red pepper flakes is what I’m thinking about for dinner sometime soon. (And that sometime soon is tonight!)
5. On the 1st day of August my true love sent to me a Tama bell brass snare drum from the ’80s and all the Hostess cupcakes I could eat.
6. Hang out with my twin boys for the afternoon and they’ll give you the definition of lively and energetic.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to a super supper cooked by my favorite laddies, tomorrow my plans include working at the office and playing a gig at the Lobster Festival, and Sunday, I want to mow the lawn after church is over!
lobstah festival! have fun!
jlshall (Joysweb)
Mmmmmm! Hostess cupcakes – haven’t had any in years, but now I’m really craving one. Have a great weekend (what’s left of it)!
Would love to experience Lobster Festival. 🙂
sorry for the late visit.. I couldnt help not to agree that life is moving so fast 🙂