1. Music is rather important in my life. Ask me what I do, and I’ll say “I manage an Internet company.” Ask me who I am, and I’ll say “A musician.”
2. A big breakfast and strong black coffee is what I like first thing in the morning. (Usually, though, it’s some sort of high fiber cereal.)
3. The first thing I said this morning was: “Hey Honey.” I said it to my youngest, Matthew, who–like his Dad, gets up early.
4. Susan’s almost famous roast chicken and homemade mac and cheese; it’s what’s for dinner tonight.
5. It’s all been a little tricky to navigate, but perhaps clear water lies ahead.
6. Going for a brisk walk is what I feel like doing right now.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to the fabulous supper described in #4, tomorrow my plans include a gig with Steelin’ Thunder (see question #1) and Sunday, I want to cook for the crew at the annual staff picnic!
I’m on my way for that dinner! YUM! Actually, I’m going to a Greek festival tonight for some, as my guy says, moose caca (mousaka) and bahk ha ha (baklava)
Kristen Truong
Dinner sounds good. Have fun at your gig!
jlshall (Joysweb)
The weekend plans sound like a lot of fun! Been a long time since I did any picnicking. Hope you have a great time!
OH yez, a strong coffee indeed each morning – a must also for me 🙂
Mine’s up too here.
Your answer to #1 is absolutley inspiring. Truth that we can have passions beyond what pays the bills. Happy Weekend! Cheers.