Hey gang. Looks like I haven’t posted in nary a month! I’ve been busy enough I guess. Heck, some days I’m not even making it to Ebay and Drum Forum! 🙂 OK, here’s the Fill In.
1. What in the world is all this snow on the ground? I don’t remember the weatherman saying anything about that!
2. If you could take a look inside the birthday bag of treats Susan bought me last week, you would see I’m well fed.
3. Go outside, and walk 15 paces; turn left; walk into you run into a house; go inside; tell the first person in there that you are the plumber, and Santa reported a stopped up chimney; wait for the van to arrive.
4. That email that you sent me detailing how I might inherit a certain quantity of money has been processed.
5. I keep a little something in the bottom drawer of my desk; it’s been empty for many months now.
6. Should I take off early today or not?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to a relaxing evening at home with my family, tomorrow my plans include Christmas shopping with the boys, and Sunday, I want to have a really great game prepared for Sunday School!
happy belated birthday! I loved your answers this week, so creative 🙂 especially 3 & 5…as for #6, why not?