1. Family Ties was this show I used to watch a lot when I was a kid. Alex P. Keaton, the young Republican, seemed like a kindred spirit with me. And, the show introduced me to Billy Very and the Beaters.
2. This week has had its share of ups and downs. Thankfully, the last two days have been on the “up” side.
3. Trust is something I give my wife completely, and she give the the same to me.
4. Sometimes, when you’re thinking about buying a certain something, sometimes getting the cheapest thing doesn’t make sense; sometimes it makes more sense to spring for the best.
5. Parents like mine are a true gift from God. I hope I can raise my kids as well as they raised theirs.
6. There are times when it’s more important to listen to a person‘s heart–what they mean–rather than what was said.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to an evening home with the family, tomorrow my plans include baking some muffins and running some errands, and Sunday, I want to have lunch with my Mom and sister and nephews and stuff!
nice fill-ins Bill! 🙂 have an all “UP” weekend! 🙂
Thanks for visiting my blog today. I love # 6.
Thanks for stopping by… happy FF… sounds like a great weekend!
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Wish you a wonderful weekend with your family … sounds great! Save a muffin for me! 😉
thanks for visiting my blog. 🙂
I wish I could bake some muffins too!
I used to love Family Ties!
Here are my Fill-Ins