You Know It’s January In Maine

#10: You know it’s January in Maine when not one, but MULTIPLE friends tell you excitedly “We’ve gained 19 minutes of daylight!”

You know it’s January in Maine, #9. The furnace won’t start up. The car won’t start up. The generator won’t start up. The only thing that DID start up was your seasonal affective disorder.

You know it’s January in Maine #8: When the crink in your back is inversely proportional to the angle of your shovel handle.

You know it’s January in ME #7. Wind pants. Sweatshirt. Boots. Two pairs of socks. Hat. Mittens. Headlamp. Reflective vest. Reflective collar. You know it’s January in Maine when it takes longer to gear up for the dog walk than actually taking them out! And then, when you are ready, they don’t want to go outside!

You know it’s January in Maine #6: When you leave for work and it’s dark; you come from work and it’s dark. Sunshine is something you get to see on Saturday–if there’s not a blizzard that particular Saturday.

You know it’s January in Maine #5: when your crock-pot is permanently plugged in. There are times when you are running two crock-pots at the same time.

You know it’s January in Maine #4: When you spend your Saturday in a shack, on the ice, with no toilet, heat generated by something about the size of your thermos, all so you can maybe catch a fish that’s too small to eat anyway.

You know it’s January in Maine #3: When you notice the shower handle in the bathroom is turned all the way to the left, and still you can’t get warm.

You know it’s January in Maine #2: You have to wait in line at the gas station in Oxford. The line is made up entirely of snowmobiles.

Finally, you know it’s January in Maine #1: You can drive down Main Street in Camden, Rockland, Wiscasset, or Bar Harbor and not run over a single tourist!

Dreaming of Windows and Rats

In the first dream I am inside a house. I am in a room, and there’s a window looking into another room, apparently a bedroom. As I look through the window I see my dad in the other room, and he’s getting dressed. On the other side of the window there is a shelf that I can see through the window, and on the shelf are tchotchkes, a wicker basket filled with some socks, some flowers, and other things. All the way at the end of this shelf there are three large rats. I tried to get my father‘s attention to tell him about the rats, but I’m unsuccessful. I go into the room, and as I do I look off to my left and the rats scatter. Then proceeded to a dresser, which I open, and there among my shirts and socks I find two or three pairs of sneakers in a drawer. I think to myself “I had completely forgotten I had bought some shoes and put them in a dresser drawer.” Then I woke up

Two nights after that I have a dream that I am helping rid the neighborhood of rats! I am sitting over on Gilbert and Evelyn Post’s lawn, looking across the street at my grandparents old property. We turn on some lights, looking to spot some rats over in their yard. I think we’re going to see lots and lots, but I only see one lone rat, who is on the roof of this wishing-well that my grandparents used to have. I go across the street, and I am one side of the wishing-well. The rat is on the roof of the wishing well, and I am waiting for him to show enough of his body that I can get a clear shot of him with my air gun. I can’t really see a lot of him, but I can see shows that he is wet and greasy, covered in weeds and pieces of yarn or string. Then I woke up

And last night’s dream I’m playing a jazz gig with Wayne Delano at the Jackson Memorial Library in Tenants Harbor. Though I know it’s in the Jackson Memorial Library, it’s not the library we know today. It’s not even the former Jackson Memorial Library. This is some large Victorian house or law office or something that has been converted to a library. There are lots of rooms that are all connected together, and my drum set is in one room, and Wayne is in another room, and I can see him through a window/pass through in the wall. Wayne begins to give a speech in which she says something like “This is our drummer Bill Batty. Bill is having a hard day today.“ And I said to him “In what way am I having a hard day Wayne?“ And he said “Doesn’t your back hurt or something? Didn’t you hurt yourself somehow?“ And I said to him “No, that was last week. I’m just feeling a little gloomy.” And then he said “Bill, I want you to do me a favor. I want you to come out here and discuss the difference between tainted love and grace.“ and I said to him “You want me to talk about tainted love and grace?“ And he said “I do.“ Because Wayne was a good friend, and because Wayne had a way of challenging me for my betterment, I decided I would do what he asked. So I got up from the drum set, and walked to a more centrally located room – – the room that Wayne happened to be in. And then I proceeded to give, essentially, a sermon on the difference between tainted love and grace. It included me using an illustration of the old schtick about the boy who has two dates to the prom, and I use that to demonstrate tainted love. Then I retold a lesson I learned at a youth group about the definition of the word “grace,” and I likened that lesson to the purity of God‘s love and grace, which I then related towards the purity that you might find in gold, or in a beautiful gemstone. About then a preteen boy raised his hand and asked if I might comment on my previous teaching about the three points of communism! I told him to see me later and I would clarify that for him. And then I woke up.

30 Days of Thanks, 2023 Edition

My theme for thankfulness in 2023 was based on the following: “If you have any money saved, a hobby that requires some equipment or supplies, a variety of clothes in your closet, two cars (in any condition), and live in your own home, you are in the top 5% of the world’s wealthy.”*
I began to think about the things I take for granted every day. I thought about Frank, the missionary in Africa, as he works in the slums of Uganda. If the people there saw how this very modest man of means (I have been on government assistance before, and I’m not very far from it even now) lives, they would think I’m a rich man. What do I have that I don’t even think about that would cause them to stare wide-eyed? Here’s my list.

#30daysofthanks day 1. I’m thankful for leftover pizza which made a fine lunch.

#30daysofthanks day two. Although we’ve been flirting with it, today was the first walk below freezing: 26.6°. I’m thankful for a little box called a thermostat. When it’s cold outside, this little device turns my home heater on so I wake up at 4:30am to a toasty warm environment.

#30daysofthanks day three. This little device is an oven igniter. Whenever I want chicken  nuggets or bacon or biscuits or a cake this little device causes my oven to turn on. Sometimes they go bad, and I have to replace it. I can get one for $20 on Amazon, and in 15 to 30 minutes I can have it swapped out and have my oven up and running again without having to call a repair person. I am thankful for these parts and for what an oven allows my family to do.

#30daysofthanks day four. I’m thankful for basic thick white comfy socks.

#30daysofthanks day five. Olive Tree Bible software is a free app that runs on my old iPad. The have lots of free resources and the software is easy to use.

#30daysofthanks day six. I’m thankful for the Brita water pitcher at work. It makes the town water taste much better. I’m not sure who bought it (Amy?),  but I’m thankful it’s a available to me.

#30daysofthanks day seven. A week in. Have you noticed a theme? Today I’m thankful for the Instant Pot. This device is so handy for us. I sautéed some carrots and onions and celery in it, then set it to pressure cook a few minutes just to get the vegetable soft. Then I’m going to set it to slow cook, and when Susan and I finally get home from busy days today we will be enjoying some chicken and rice soup. Sauté, pressure cook, and slow cook off from one device! 

#30daysofthanks day eight. I’m thankful for voting day.

#30daysofthanks installment nine. I’m thankful for all manner of cheap paper products. I almost always have a tissue or a paper towel or a napkin in my pocket. Want to have a little snack but don’t have a plate handy? Need to blow your nose or wipe up something nasty from the ground? Bang your hand on something and you’ve got a little spot of blood? Maybe a loved one starts crying, or you need to discreetly get rid of a piece of gum. Cheap paper product to the rescue! 

#30daysofthanks day ten. For my eyeglasses. It started of as a simple project today. I had a snare drum that needed some adjusting, so I went downstairs to the basement studio. I thought I would like to have a little music, but when I turned on the hifi there was no sound. Three hours and a repair to a speaker crossover later I finally was able to put some music on the turntable and hear it. Without my eyeglasses, my almost 52 year old eyes wouldn’t be able to see the tiny screws and small wires that I needed to manipulate so that I could have music in the basement. 

#30daysofthanks installment 11. Yesterday I was thankful for all manner of cheap paper products. Today I put the last roll of toilet paper on the holder. What to do? Run to Walmart for the second time today! I’m thankful I’m only 15 or so minutes from toilet paper, Columbian coffee, sweet potato puffs, salad mix, and paper plates. I’m thankful for supermarkets and department stores.

#30daysofthanks day 12. Gas stations. On the way to my gig I noticed I needed gas. I had literally seven gas stations along the way which were willing to sell me fuel. The one I chose also offered coffee (to which I obliged myself to a cub of dark roast Columbian), pizza, chips, chocolate, breakfast sammiches, Tylenol, tube meats of all varieties, and beer. (I picked up none of the latter items.)

#30daysofthanks day 13. I was making a recipe this morning when I realized we didn’t have any apples. I sent a text to my neighbor cousin: “Are you awake? Are you home? If the answer to both of these is yes, do you have two apples I can borrow?“ I’m thankful for a neighbor close by with ample fruit stores.

#30daysofthanks day 14. For my sink. It’s not fancy, it’s not new, it doesn’t have “features,” but it gets the job done.

#30daysofthanks day 15. I’m thankful for plenty of clean shirts.

#30daysofthanks day 16. What do I have, close to double digits pairs of shoes? These “Hey Dude” knock offs were $20 or something, and boy howdy aren’t they just the comfiest! (Comfy white socks made the list earlier.)

#30daysofthanks day 17. I was walking this morning when I heard an unusual noise. It was the noise of a single leaf being blown across the road. And I could HEAR it. For those not aware, I had a growth on my eardrum removed a few years ago, and because of a couple surgeries, an eardrum rebuild, and a prosthetic “bone” in my ear, I don’t hear well on my left side. But I CAN still hear. And it’s all because of the medical system we have here in the US. And as messed up as it is, and as much as it gets poo-pooed, I’m thankful for access to that kind of medical care–the kind that lets some average citizen like me have a frickin’ tumor cut out of his ear and his hearing restored with a titanium prosthetic ear bone!

#30daysofthanks day 18. My weather station informs me how much clothing to wear on my winter walks. Is it 54° or 34°? Is it 20° with no wind, or does a 15mph wind make it FEEL like 20°? Depending on conditions I wear different clothes; my weather station helps me decide.

#30daysofthanks day 19. I’m thankful for freezers that allow me to buy food on sale today and enjoy it some time in the future. (Seems like it’s about time to enjoy that corned beef we bought on sale last March.)

#30daysofthanks day 20. I’m thankful for indoor toilets.

#30daysofthanks day 21, three weeks in. Years ago my wife and daughter bought me some flannel lined jeans. It was 19° this morning so I wore them today. They’re a little big on me but that extra room and the warm lining make them the comfiest pants in the world.

#30daysofthanks day 22. I took a paid day off today. Consider that. I did NOT go to wotk today, but my employer paid me anyway. I’m thankful for that and for my coworkers covering for me.

#30daysofthanks day 23. Today is Thanksgiving, and I’m going to reveal my theme now. I think it makes more sense to do it today than wait for the last day of November. 

“If you have any money saved, a hobby that requires some equipment or supplies, a variety of clothes in your closet, two cars (in any condition), and live in your own home, you are in the top 5% of the world’s wealthy.”*

We frequently say “I have so much to be thankful for, things I take for granted.” Using that, and knowing that I’m in the top 5% of the world, I began to think about those things that 95% of the world may not have. Clothing like thick white socks, plenty of clean shirts, comfy shoes. Not only do I have a house, but I have a thermostat that turns my heat on, clean water from a water filter, and an indoor toilet. I have ample food–abundant even, held in freezers, and leftovers that I get to eat for lunch. I have eyeglasses to help me see and a healthcare plan to help me hear. I have the right to vote. I have tissues, toilet paper, paper towels, and paper plates. These simple things, well, perhaps when compared to the rest of the world, they’re not so simple. May I be thankful for these simple things.

#30daysofthanks day 24. Today I’ve watched Youtube on my iPad, a movie on my Roku, listened to podcasts on my iPhone, and browsed the web on my laptop. I’m thankful all this entertainment is available to me, and that I have leisure time to enjoy it.

#30daysofthanks day 25: I’m thankful for a washing machine and dryer that keep my ample supply of clothing clean.

#30daysofthanks day 26th. I’m thankful for, um, I don’t know, five different kinds of leftover pie. (Chocolate, lemon, maple, raspberry, and pumpkin cheesecake.) And I’m happy to live very close to my mom who made them all.

#30daysofthanks day 27. For our electrical grid. We lost power at the town office this morning. It was out 15 minutes or so. I’m thankful our electricity is rarely unavailable.

#30daysofthanks day 28. I’m thankful for aluminum sheet pans. Nachos, chicken nuggies, tater tots, roasted turkey, drip tray for pies, a carrying tray—a sheet pan can do it all.

#30daysofthanks day 29. I’m thankful for my pillow. Thanks Eben!

#30daysofthanks day 30. “Parise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.”

30 Days of Thanks, Another Unknown Year

30. For Sunday dinner with my family. This month, there won’t be many of them. I’m thankful we could get one in today.

29. Today I have much to be thankful for, but I’ll single out Julia’s successful wisdom teeth extraction.

28. Today I’m thankful for friends that buy lunch.

27. I woke up this morning, not to my alarm clock, but to Susan shaking me awake. My alarm was going off, and I wasn’t hearing it. I was so tired. That’s when Susan said to me “why don’t you go back to sleep, I’ll take the dog for a walk later.” I have a wonderful wife, and I’m thankful for her every day!

26. Today I scheduled a sick day for myself in December. I’m thankful for a job where I can use sick time for doctor visits.

25. Today I’m thankful for the drummer brotherhood and especially for Charles Daniel. I know a young drummer in need of an instrument, and he donated a snare drum to her cause.

24.  My dog Deuteronomy wants very little from me. He is very rarely disappointed with me. He loves me.

23. I’m thankful for my Sunday School class. I have some smart, thoughtful students who hold me accountable and keep me on my toes. No phoning it in with this group!

22. This is literally the first evening I’ve been at home in a week.

21. For forgiveness, grace, love, apologies, friendship, accountability, and reconciliation.

20. Day is gone,

Gone the sun

From the lake, from the hill, from the sky.

Rest in peace, soldier brave.

God is nigh.

19. I’m thankful for hot water heaters, hot showers, a heated towel bar, flannel sheets, and jammies.

18 . For Humpty Dumpty bacon hickory potato chips.

17. Glad to be home after a long night.

16. I’m thankful for two full weekends of back to back gigs. Yes, I’m busy, but it puts food on the table.

15.  In the sermon today, Pastor Jason Pauley said “Some have said ‘Marriage is the perfect example of two kingdoms being at war with one another.'” Although Susan and I sometimes hurt each other, let one another down, or otherwise make the other feel bad, I KNOW she never does it to “get” me. She never tries on purpose to hurt me, nor I her. We’re never at war with the other. We’re always on the same team.

14. Today, my sons joined me at Kiwanis. Julia warmed up my dinner for me. I’ve got some good kids.

13. A student drum set showed up at the local recycling yard. Jason Thompson had me on the horn toot sweet. “It seemed too nice to throw away.” I’ll clean it up this winter, and I think I already have a new home for it.

12. I had a great theological discussion with Julia on the ride to school today. She’s got a good head on her shoulders, can think logically, is not swayed easily, and is full of compassion.

11. Aaron. Laurel and Matthew. Paddy. Dave. These people in my life often don’t agree with me politically or spiritually. And yet, they don’t claim that because I’m a right wing Christian I’m on par with Islamic terrorists (as some info graphics are wont to do). I’m thankful I can be friends with them, disagree with them (often vehemently), but respectfully. I’m glad their friendship with me is more important than any particular disagreement we might have over religion (or lack thereof) or politics.

10. Vacation.

9. The members of the Rockland Kiwanis Club raise money by parking cars at the Owls Head Transportation Museum. The money raised from those events goes to our administration fund to be used to help pay for members to go to conventions. As the president, I am encouraged to go to up to three conventions during my year, and the club pays for my meals and hotel. It’s like a mini vacation for my family!

8. I’m thankful for two sweaters I found at Van Heusen outlet, $12 each. Mrs. Rhythm found the eggplant one, and then found another in cerulean.

7. “You know, having the conference in North Conway means it’ll snow on Sunday. Usually, when the conference is in North Conway, it snows on the drive home.”

~Gordon Page

I’m thankful it held off. Driving home in the rain was bad enough. 

6. Love God, love your wife, and love your kids, in that order. Help your neighbors with your talents. It’s ok to cry, and it’s ok to hug and kiss your dad. Ditch digger or Governor, they’re both people and worthy of respect. Marriage is supposed to be forever, so go into it with that in mind. And for all the other lessons he taught me.

5. Picked up a new drum student. After his first lesson tonight, he gave me a thank you note. Also, his father said “I appreciate you keeping your rate affordable, but you’re worth more than you’re charging.” He then tipped me 33%.

4. I’m very thankful for the soiree held at Spruce Head House today. For my mom, Marylou Batty, who loves her daughter-in-law Susan Dancer Batty as much as her own daughter. For my mother-in-law Donna Dancer, lover of grandkids and granddog Deuteronomy. And for John C. Dancer, who is a model for me as a Christian. All these people, plus my family and my sister’s family, all here. A blessed day, for sure. 

3. I’m thankful for a lazy day, with not much that needed doin’.

2. Home safe.

1. Rom. 8: 31-32 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? 

Bonus: So much to be thankful for that I didn’t get to this month! Susan. My kids. The great Kiwanis meeting tonight at Lynn and Kevin Taylor’s house. The happiness that comes from giving (and receiving) little baked dough balls called biscuits. The members of Harmony Bible Church. Vacation. Coming back from vacation to a good job. So much…

Choosing a Printer

Printers are the bane of tech support people. “Why can’t I print?” we are continually asked. Check out this meme:

What makes the meme funny is it’s actually pretty accurate!

I thought today we could discuss printers, and that way when you need to purchase a new one you will pick just the right model for your needs and budget.

Printers can be roughly divided into two groups: inkjet printers and laser printers.

Inkjet printers use cartridges filled with liquid ink. When you print, the printhead squirts tiny dots of the liquid ink onto the paper. Inkjet printers are almost always color printers. Inkjet printers are also on the lower end of the price scale initially; the printer itself tends to be lower priced. The manufacturers make their profits on the ink. One website lists black inkjet printer ink as the 8th most expensive liquid in the world. A gallon of black ink costs $2700, ahead of a gallon of human blood ($1500/gallon)!

That same liquid ink is the cause of one of the major issues with inkjet printers: clogged print heads. If you don’t use an inkjet printer with regularity, the ink inside the printhead will congeal, and the printhead will clog. If you have ever printed and gotten a blank page out of your printer, you know about clogged printheads. Inkjet printers have cleaning cycles that are designed specifically for cleaning a clogged printhead. The humidity here on the coast doesn’t help matters. And, if you are a seasonal resident and your printer will be dormant for many months, the odds of printhead clogging increases. If you are an inkjet printer owner you should consider printing something every week or so, just to make sure the ink is flowing properly.

Laser printers work using technology similar to a photocopier. A powdered ink (toner) is applied to the paper and then a fuser heats and smushes (a highly technical term) the toner onto the paper. Laser printers, using powdered toner, don’t use print heads at all; you don’t have to worry about clogged print head ever! Powdered toner is also less expensive per page. A laser printer toner cartridge will last for thousands of pages. The quality of a laser printer also tends to be better than a consumer inkjet printer.

The benefits of a laser printer come with a price, though. Laser printers have a higher initial cost. A black and white laser printer will sell for the price of a good inkjet printer; you’ll spend a couple hundred dollars on an entry-level laser printer and only print in black and white. A color laser printer will sell for 2-3X the price of a color inkjet. That higher upfront cost will net you cheaper per page cost, though, and less maintenance.

Perhaps this handy flow chart will help. Does your printer need to be color? If no, a laser printer is your best choice. If it does need to be color, is price a concern? If no, get a color laser printer. If yes, a color inkjet. If you choose a color inkjet, remember to print a color page every week or so just to maintain the free flow of ink.

Choosing a Laptop

Hard to believe back-to-school time is approaching, eh? With as much rain as we’ve had it has hardly felt like we have had any summer at all. And yet the calendar says school starts in four weeks! Maybe you are headed back to college. Perhaps you are taking a few classes in the evenings. Maybe you have a grandchild matriculating at your alma mater, and you want to make sure they have a good laptop for all those papers they will be writing. This article will help you determine what the right laptop is for you!

My first question for someone looking to buy a laptop would be: Does it have to be mobile? If you answer “No, it will just be at my desk,” I would tell you to buy a desktop computer. Desktop computers—dollar for dollar—are more powerful, more flexible, easier to upgrade, and easier and cheaper to repair. The only advantage a laptop has over a desktop is its mobility; and if it does not have to move, there is no good reason to opt for a laptop. Perhaps though you travel a lot, or are a seasonal resident. Being able to move your computer quickly and easily is the primary reason for having a laptop. Since this is a back-to-school article, it would make sense that a student will need a portable solution.

After determining that you do in fact need mobility, my next question would be: What operating system are you most familiar with? That is, do you want a Mac or a Windows laptop? (Or maybe you’d consider a Chromebook? If so, see last month’s article!) I tell people “Macs are the Lexus’ of the computer world. They are well built, extremely reliable, and hold their value well. They are also expensive to purchase and expensive to repair.” Go into your Mac purchase knowing that. I am a big fan of refurbished computers, and my Apple purchases have all been refurbs. A Windows laptop will give you more options. All Mac laptops are manufactured by Apple, so you must buy what they have available. Windows will be available on Dell, Lenovo, HP, Acer, Asus, and on and on. And because multiple Windows laptop companies are vying for your business, competition will tend to drive their prices DOWN. A Mac laptop starts at about $1000. A similar thousand dollars would get you a very well-appointed Windows laptop.

The operating system choice can be somewhat determined by how the laptop will be used. Are you going to use the computer to run Quickbooks? You want a PC. Are you a student in college for architecture or CAD? Again, probably a Windows laptop—and a powerful one! Perhaps you are going to study art or music; traditionally, the Mac operating system has proved popular in those fields. If you are selecting a laptop for college, it might be wise to see if the college has a suggested laptop with minimum recommended requirements.

Now that we know what operating system you want, I would ask you what size screen do you need? Laptop screens, like TVs and projector screens, are measured diagonally from corner to corner. Smaller screens have the advantage of being extremely portable. My old Macbook Air had an 11” screen. That computer was so light and handy, I took it almost everywhere. My current Macbook has a 13” screen, and though it too is handy to carry, I miss my little 11”. For a student who will be moving their laptop from class to class, smaller and lighter is better. The 15.6” screen is the most popular size. With the bigger size you will get more screen real estate, and probably more connections and features—like more USB ports, multiple video outputs, things like that. The big 17.3” screen is nice for people who maybe don’t see as well as they used to. It wasn’t very many years ago a 17” monitor was used with a desktop, so there’s lots of viewable area on a 17.3” screen. That big screen means a bigger overall size, though. They also tend to be heavier. If you are not moving your laptop frequently, the bigger size is nice. If you will be moving the laptop a lot though, consider something towards the smaller end of the spectrum.

With those major questions out of the way, we can focus on some smaller concerns. Do you need a backlit keyboard? Do you need a number keypad (sometimes called a 10-key keyboard)? If you need the number keypad, you will have to shop for laptops 15.6” and bigger. Smaller laptops don’t have room for the 10 keys. Do you need a DVD drive? Most laptops don’t include them anymore. If you need one built in, again you will need to look at 15.6” or bigger. (Probably though you will need to invest in an external USB DVD drive–$25-35.) Will you be doing video editing or gaming, or CAD/CAM or other extensive video work? Look for a laptop with discrete video processing. If that is your need, be prepared to spend some cash, as laptops that can do that high end work are expensive.

I hope these tips will help you shop for just the right laptop. If you know whether you want a Mac or a Windows machine, and what size screen you need, then you have the biggest considerations covered.

The Allure of the Chromebook

Dear reader, let me explain a Chromebook. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.  Chromebooks make great computers if you are willing to work within their significant limitations. If you want a full featured computer that will do everything a Windows computer or Mac will do—and not be willing to compromise or adjust how you do it—then a Chromebook is not for you.

Continue reading for the longer explanation.

Let us pretend you are looking for a new laptop. We will assume you are a “regular” computer user; you use your laptop to check email, watch some videos, do some shopping, maybe write a letter or a recipe. You know there is something called a “gaming computer,” and you know you do not need one of those. You start eyeing the Staples sale flyer and notice a laptop, a Chromebook, for $199! Yowza that’s a sweet price! Why wouldn’t you buy a $199 Google Chromebook as opposed to a $600 Windows laptop, or a $1000 Macbook Air? Well, if you are an informed consumer, and you realize what a Chromebook WILL and WON’T do, you could save yourself a bunch of cash. If you are not informed though, you may bring upon yourself a heaping helping of frustration.

We need to start by defining some terms. Google (the company, i.e. Alphabet Inc.) offers many different products. To many consumers, though, they are all referred to as Google. In addition to the company named Google, there is a search engine of the same name. There is also a web browser that is technically named Google Chrome, but many just call it “Google.” The Google Chrome web browser can also—with a couple extra features—turn into a full-fledged operating system. Windows is the operating system installed on most PCs. The Macintosh OS is installed on Apple computers. With a Google Chromebook, the Google Chrome OS installed as your operating system.

The Chrome OS offers some great advantages. One, if you are used to the look and feel of the Google Chrome web browser, that is essentially what you will be using on a Chromebook. The learning curve will be very low. Two, because Chrome OS is not as popular as Windows or Mac, virus writers don’t bother writing viruses for Chromebooks. They are virtually virus free. Three, Chromebooks are inexpensive. Good models can be had for less than $300.

There are significant differences between the Windows and Macintosh OS, though, and the Chrome OS. And if you are not prepared going in it can be very frustrating. The Google Chrome OS uses Google’s cloud-based apps. You don’t buy “programs” and then load them into your computer the way you would a Windows machine or a Mac. Want to run Photoshop*? That doesn’t work on a Chromebook. You will need to use Google Photos. Quickbooks? Nope; that won’t work. You’ll have to use the cloud-based version of Quickbooks. Microsoft Word? Nope. Instead, Google wants you to use their Google Docs app. Powerpoint? No. Google Slides is kind of like Powerpoint—but not exactly.

Don’t think I’m dumping on Chromebooks. I’m not. And for most people, if you are willing to be flexible, a Chromebook will work fine. Google Docs is a fine rudimentary word processor. Google Photos is great for organizing and storing photos—even if it is not great for hardcore photo editing. Google Sheets is a great spreadsheet program; I use it myself for minor spreadsheets. Google also owns Youtube, and Youtube Music will let you have 100,000 songs stored for free. So almost everything you can do on a laptop you can do on a Chromebook. You just have to do it the way Google wants you to do it. And, if you are willing to run a laptop where everything is stored in the cloud, a Chromebook may be a good solution. Me? I still run a cheap Macbook Air.

*Technically speaking, many software companies will make “cloud” based versions of their popular titles. Microsoft offers a web-based Office product called Microsoft 365, and that will give you the feel of the traditional Microsoft Office. Adobe offers a web-based photo editing program. Intuit offers Quickbooks Online. Using those cloud-based apps will give you the feel of the programs you have used in the past, but they are stored in the cloud, and not on your computer.

Driver Update Utility Scam

Have you ever had an issue with your computer, and you Google the symptoms, and you are told to “update your drivers”? Maybe you have had a pop-up window telling you your drivers are “out of date.” Perhaps you saw an online advertisement for “Windows Driver Medic” or some other software. What should you do? What is a driver, anyway?

Simply put, a driver is a piece of software that controls how a piece of hardware runs. Let us use a video card for our example. A video card is a piece of hardware that controls how video gets out of your computer and on to your monitor. In this scenario, pretend your computer has a video card manufactured by NVIDIA. How does this card, manufactured by NVIDIA, know how to operate within the Windows environment made by Microsoft? And what if your computer’s CPU (the central processing unit—your computer’s “brain”) is made by Intel? Your NVIDIA video card needs to understand how to work with these two variables (a CPU and the operating system), made by two different manufacturers. The driver controls how the video card will communicate and act with these other pieces.

In most instances, updating drivers is not something you should worry about. Is your computer working fine? Great. Leave it as is. There is no need for you to download “Driver Easy” or “PC Driver Medic” or any other driver snake oil to keep your machine running well. In some circumstances, you might run into an issue where a driver is causing a conflict, and causing bad things to happen. Bad graphics drivers could cause your screen to flicker, freeze, or even your computer to reboot. Bad CPU drivers could also cause your machine to reboot or crash. So if you are experiencing some problem, then you should consider looking for a more up-to-date driver. In my opinion, though, if you are not having issues, you do not need to be concerned about out-of-date drivers. Downloading a piece of free software that will supposedly download fresh drivers for you will probably create more problems than it solves.

PS: Apple users do not have to be concerned with updating their drivers. Because Apple manufactures their own computers and operating systems (and even processor chips), they automatically know how these pieces need to communicate with each other. When Mac drivers need to be updated, they happen automatically as the Apple operating system is updated. You need do nothing to your Mac. The variability of manufactures within the Windows environment is what makes driver updating more important to PC users.

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Computer Passwords are a Pain!

Passwords are a pain to everyone. Here are some tips in dealing with these necessary pests:

1) Do not share your passwords! Google will not ask you for your password. Microsoft will not call you and ask for it. The Facebook message from your sister-in-law asking for help and asking you to share your password with her is most probably a scammer. Do not give it out!
2) Ideally, you should not write your passwords in a book. Many of us resort to this, and it’s understandable. A book of passwords, however, can be lost or stolen. Better is to choose a password you can remember. Remembering passwords is also good for your brain!
3) Use a memory aid to help remember passwords. How do you remember the password to your Fleet bank account? Fleet, like fast–fleet of foot. Mercury was the Roman messenger god with the winged helmet. Mercury Falling was a record by Sting I like. I could use “MercuryFalling” for my Fleet bank password. Or maybe “fleet” makes you think of a fleet of boats. Your uncle was a lobsterman, and his boat was named “Monica B.” So maybe “TheMonicaB” is a password you can remember.
4) Adding special characters adds security to passwords. Consider adding an exclamation point (or other character) to your password. “MercuryFalling!” could now my Fleet bank password. Or “TheMonicaB.” (See, I added a period to my password.)
5) Don’t use the same password for multiple sites. That way, should something happen and one of your passwords is divulged, it is only one website/account that a hacker/thief could get into. If you use the same password everywhere, and you fall for a scammer, now the scammer can get into ALL of your accounts.

Perhaps a longer article on computer/online security will be forthcoming. Would it be of interest to you? Let know. Or, let us know of other tech questions you might have.

Computer Cookies

Cookies. Oh yes! Those golden buttery ones with the big ol’ chunks of dark chocolate—those are my favorite. I like them thin with crispy edges and a little gooey still in the middle.

Computer cookies are another variety altogether. While not the topic of conversation they once were, every so often I get asked about cookies. Or, someone will bring them up to me: “It’s been a while since I cleaned my cookies.”

In computer terms, a cookie is a small file that a website leaves in your web browser. (Your web browser is the program you use to “browse” the “web.” Aptly named, no?) Websites will leave these tiny files to identify your computer and your browsing habits.

Have you ever been looking at a product on Amazon (let us say a new calculator), and then you log into Facebook and suddenly there is an ad for that same calculator you were just looking at? Amazon placed a cookie on your computer identifying you as a possible calculator purchaser. Then, when you log into Facebook, they will serve you an ad from Amazon with that same product, based on the cookie that was stored earlier.

In general, cookies are beneficial. Automatic logins to web sites can be stored by cookies. The contents of your shopping card can be saved via cookies. A website showing you the current temperature based on your location? Could be a cookie generating that content based on your location.

Some people who are especially sensitive to privacy might have an issue with cookies. Generally, businesses are not going to single you out personally based on cookies. Amazon “knows” they have a customer named Bill Batty in Spruce Head Maine. Their servers know this “Bill Batty” guy uses a Mac laptop and likes to look at drums. I do not believe Amazon employees are looking at their web server logs, adding up all the various bits, and will be wondering “Who is this guy?” It is far more impersonal than that. Based on all the time cookies save me, I do not worry about them.

Some people might worry that all these cookies are slowing their computer down, so they clean them out periodically. Cookies are very small files, and take almost no space. Your hard drive is not going to fill up because of cookies. The presence of cookies on your computer is not going to make it slow down. If you want to block cookies or erase them for privacy reasons, go ahead. Otherwise, don’t worry about them. They do more good than harm.