1. I was watching the Red Sox a few weeks ago, and lo and behold, some guy stole home.
2. My favorite thing for dinner lately has been cheddarwurst.
3. We’ve got this neighbor on Birch St. Place, and sometimes early in the morning his dog likes to tell the neighborhood: bark! bark! bark!
4. A nice long walk will occasionaly lead to blisters on the back of your heel. (You may want to consider a scooter instead! 🙂 )
5. I’m almost always ready for some good news.
6. When all is said and done, there are still a couple more snare drums I need to own. (Really! I need to add them to the collection. I should mention the “own” list is a little out of date. One or two on there I no longer own, and one or two–or three–I do own haven’t made it to the list.)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to getting home way too late from a gig in Brunswick, tomorrow my plans include men’s breakfast, the Kiwanis Bike Rodeo, and Jim’s bachelor party, and Sunday, I want to ride my scooter to church for Biker Sunday!
heehee, biker sunday
Have a great weekend!
your answer to #3 made me smile 🙂
Yum to cheddarwurst! I’ve been addicted to cheddar smokies grilled up with lots of onions!
Biker Sunday sounds like a lot of fun 🙂
Biker Sunday sounds fun, just like baseball. And adding to the drum collection – you could think of them as tools.