Friday Fill In #200!
1. Why does it seem like every time my kids get a free minute, they beg to play Lego Batman on the Wii?
2. Once the children are grown, maybe Susan and I will get the opportunity to get to the UK, Italy, France, and really get out and see the world.
3. Thank you for visiting, now how about leaving a comment?
4. Christmas is my favorite holiday because is celebrates the birth of the Savior.
5. I am SO looking forward to cramming my gullet full on Thanksgiving; I’m NOT counting calories that day.
6. Sometimes I find these questions a little obtuse; I guess the “right” answer is whatever we make up our minds to be.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to making biscuits, tomorrow my plans include boxing in some lally columns with Pastor Dave and Sunday, I want to welcome Susan home from her conference!