1. Now that it’s warmer (or when it gets warmer if it’s still cold where you are) what are you looking forward to doing outside?
Absolutely! Scooter riding is high on the list, as if you haven’t read. (Maybe you haven’t read; read a few posts down.) Also, I’m looking forward to getting the grill out. Since it’s a little warm here today (about 40, I guess), I’m planning on getting the grill out of the garage, and having some steaks tonight!
2. Are there any special memories or moments that you associate with spring?
No, not really. We boys always got bolos from Ma on Easter, and that’s turned into a bit of a tradition.
3. It’s definitely greener here now. Is it green yet where you are? What are some of the first signs of spring you have seen or look forward to seeing?
It’s not green here yet. In fact, the snow isn’t even all gone yet. I did see someone putting daffodils in a vase today, so spring should be coming soon.
4. Do you have any spring cleaning rituals?
Only that we like spring cleaning, and it’s nice to open the windows and have the fresh air blow in. It’s rather dusty right now in the Batty household, so some spring cleaning will be nice.
5. Are you Irish? Do you take part in any special St. Patricks Day celebrations?
There probably is some Irish in the blood-line somewhere along the way, but I don’t really consider myself Irish. Ma usually makes corned beef and cabbage on the 17th, but I don’t really care for “boiled dinner.” I like corned beef sandwiches, and corned beef hash, but just a boiled dinner doesn’t appeal to me that much.
Bolos; they are knives right?
I thought bolos were those tie like things…