It actually started Friday afternoon. I had put some hours in at the office the previous Sunday (for billing day), so I decided to take those hours off on Friday. I told Susan I’d pick some lunch up for the kids at McD’s, and I’d leave the office around 12:30. Well, as you might guess, it all broke loose as I was trying to leave. About 45 minutes later, I busted out, hurrying to get to my 2pm tire appointment. After the tire, I came home, took a little nap, and then headed to my gig at My Fork in Winterport. The gig was fine, though sparsely attended.
Saturday was the big day. I got up a little before 8, and made breakfast. I had been inspired by something I saw on TV at the gig, and decided to parlay that over to breakfast: caramel apple waffles. Yeah, they were good. I guess it was sometime around 10:30 that we headed out for the day’s trip: going to watch the alewives run up the Damariscotta Mills fish ladder. Susan and I thought we’d have fun, but we never realized how much fun we’d have! It was a blast. The high point of the day was a horse ride in a wagon. Hard seats, no brakes or suspension. A firm ride. Towards the end, the driver really had the horses turn it on. They were galloping through town, Susan and I and the kids laughing, me 1/2 afraid one of the kids would fall out of the back. We had lunch in Damariscotta at Reunion Station–that restaurant made out of the old train cars. The place wasn’t the cleanest, but the food was decent and the prices cheap, so it wasn’t so bad.
Sunday was the regular kinda stuff. Church in the morning. Lunch was at Mom’s; Lisa made spaghetti. The boys had their hair cut. I took a quick nap in the afternoon. The boys and I washed the scooter. Evening church.
I was up at a little before 7am today. I took a long scooter ride down to Spruce Head. I took the kids to Lowes to get some stuff for projects around the house. I spent most of the day washing windows, and putting up new blinds downstairs. I managed to get three loads of laundry done too. I made a trip to the grocery store–on the scoot!–and picked up some stuff for supper. I made some hamburgers on the grill. Now, I’m kicking back, relaxing. It was a very nice weekend.
Sounds like a great weekend! I can’t believe all you have accomplished in one day!!! Maybe you could speak to my husband 😉
ps. Carmel apple waffles sound yummy… You must share this recipe with us.