1. If we had no winter then we’d have nothing to drive the tourists out of Maine!
2. Some of my customers are a perpetual astonishment.
3. If I had my life to live over I’d spend more time kissing Susan.
4. I’m praying daughter Julia gets well inside of four and twenty hours.
5. If you’ve never been thrilled by a cowboy in bleu cheese pants, well, you just haven’t, um, well, nevermind.
6. To be interested in the changing seasons all you have to do is come to Maine. (Just be sure to leave before winter sets in!)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to surprising Susan with a gift, tomorrow my plans include gigging in Bangor and Sunday, I want to have a smooth billing day at the office, and then celebrate Susan’s birthday!
I hope I do get to come to Maine one day, and I’ll probably leave before winter sets in. I hope it’s a good birthday celebration.
I laughed so hard at your answers to #s 1 & 5!!! LOLOL!
I hope the little one gets better soon and you wife has a wonderful birthday… surprises are always so much fun!
Have a great weekend 🙂
I’d be happy when tourists left, too! I hope your daughter is better soon.
My trip to Maine 5 years ago was the best trip we’ve ever taken!!! I hope to come back soon….and eat lobster!
Great Fillins! Happy weekend!
I hope Julia is better soon!
Have a great weekend!
Love your answers, especially #3, & would absolutely love to get to Maine someday….
Hope Julia gets better soon…and WOOT to Susan and advance happy birthday to her!
Wish you a great weekend…
Mariposa’s Friday Fill-Ins
That’s an interesting suggestion on no. 6. I’d like to visit Maine one day. Happy Friday.
Maine sounds quite interesting although i won’t like it if i get caught there during winter. It’s really nice to see somebody who loves his wife as much as you do and have no qualms in expressing it.
What wonderful answers. I hope your daughter is better in less than 4 and 20 and I hope the birthday is amazing!
I hope your daughter feels better soon!
Happy Weekend! 🙂
oh and Happy Birthday to Susan! 🙂
Well I’ve never been thrilled by a cowboy in bleu cheese pants but I have been thrilled at a the sight of a lasso.
Happy Birthday to Susan.. Hope Julia gets well!!
My Post is up at The Burton Review.. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
I would love to visit maine one day I have distant family there and hear lots about it
I would love to see those seasons in Maine! I have heard they are beautiful! We also have a birthday to celebrate this weekend! The joy of spring!
Check out my Friday Fill-ins here.