Friday Fill In ##196
1. One of my strongest beliefs is a teaching of Jesus recorded in John 14:6: “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh to Father but through Me.”
2. The number of calories I ate at the “Spruce Head Young Men’s hangout” last night (hosted at my house) must’ve been huge!
3. The sky is cloudy with a threat of rain and wind and cold, so I think I better go check the fuel in the generator and let it warm up–’cause we’re probably gonna lose power.
4. Snuggling next to Susan is comforting to me.
5. I always thought I’d be a dad, but I really didn’t understand how much enjoyment and satisfaction it brings.
6. I was only a moment until my clothes shredded off my now hairy body, and my canine teeth elongated to the point of not being able to be contained behind my thin, shriveled lips; and then I went outside to look at the full moon, almost fully mutated into a Werewolf.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to hanging it with the boys (Susan’s at a women’s retreat and Julia is going to a friend’s house), tomorrow my plans include meeting with the electrician to discuss wiring the new generator, and Sunday, I want to do something I don’t do on most every Sunday; what that thing is, though, I don’t know!